Thursday, 28 May 2015

Diabetes ..not to medicine only to change yourself

Diabetes, As we all know that due to lack of insulin our body unable to maintain glucose level which is the main source of energy. People who suffers from diabetes feel less energetic and there muscles strength weakens day by day.Muscles are the important source to remain every individual body active and toned.Diabetes degeneration
In diabetes never ever depend on medicine because it provides  artificial help to your body but not correct the problem.

Anti ageing foods

No one stop themselves to become older but you can protect yourself by its effects. Foods and some of awareness really helps to remain mind ,body ,soul healthy.

therapy Nutrition wellness

overweight , thyroid ,Bp,sugar. Now a days these are becoming our family members which remains in every second house people are not aware abt their health. They do their efforts by taking so many medicines or by taking stress over this  There is some confusion people are stressful thats y they indulge in this . I treated more than 100 patients and I found only one problem and that is only wrong habits to tackle their life and not giving importance to their health.